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Delivering Results


Delivering results is an integral part of the role of a leader, whether that be at a cultural, team or individual level. All our individual, team and collective endeavours should work towards achieving the universities strategic outcomes for building and sustaining high levels of performance.

LinkedIn Learning and external resources:

The instructor of the Leadership Stories course on LinkedIn Learning presents as part of the course

Tips for delivering results

What are we currently doing to create and maintain high performance? How well do we know our teams and colleagues as individuals? Why might that matter? What else could we do? 

During our surgery sessions we identified and shared a number of useful Tips:

  1. Review tasks for overlap and to clarify what old tasks can be 'stopped' as no longer a priority, to reduce workload.
  2. Gain support from your immediate line manager in setting a culture of trust.
  3. Share current successes to highlight new approaches.
  4. Use Teams Chat function for informal catch-ups.
  5. Use the phone function (but do not expect people to respond immediately - quick chat message first).
  6. Turn off notifications.
  7. For emails set up team inboxes, experiment with rotas or timings.
  8. Push back, bit by bit, to realign expectations.
  9. Be open and transparent about the need for shifting expectations.