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Staff Review and Development Scheme

The staff review and development scheme (SRDS) is an opportunity to look back at the contribution that has been made by an individual, and then to look forward and make plans for the coming 12 months. The aim is to support and develop staff to achieve both career development objectives and performance improvements that are consistent with current and future institutional objectives and service developments.

The SRDS training is suitable for those with responsibility for managing the SRDS process. It takes a conversational approach and covers:

  • What the staff review and development scheme is (and its purpose)
  • How to undertake an SRDS developmental conversation
  • What to do in preparation for the conversation
  • What to do with the outcomes of the SRDS conversation

You can view the SRDS reviewer training sway document which will be used in the training session. In addition, there is an SRDS reviewee sway document which provides guidance for reviewees to learn more about the process.

Dates and Bookings

The SRDS training takes place on MS Teams, you can book your place on SRDS training via the Course Catalogue. If there are currently no available dates you can register your interest for future sessions and additional dates will be added soon.

View dates and book your your place on upcoming SRDS training

Further support on the HR Staff Intranet site

Further information, resources and guidance can also be found on the SRDS page on the HR site on the Staff Intranet.