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Developing your Emotional Intelligence

What is Emotional intelligence (EI)?

EI is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships and cope with challenges. People higher in EI communicate effectively, form strong relationships, and create powerful coping strategies. EI is also not a static factor - it can be substantially strengthened and developed.

Emotional Intelligence Video Series

To support colleagues to develop your EI we have a series of 15 short videos exploring different areas of EI. The videos explain each of these areas and why it’s important. They also provide three practical strategies you can use for your development.

Key benefits of the videos

  • Explains the benefits of each area of emotional intelligence
  • Encourages individual reflection and goal setting
  • Compatible with the EQ-i 2.0 model and assessment
  • The content is from existing research and literature

After watching some of the videos you may be interested in undertaking the EQi psychometric. This tool will measure your own emotional intelligence and provide coaching tips and suggested plans to help you strengthen key areas of emotional intelligence. If you would like more information, please email

List of videos

To access the videos you will need to use your University of Leeds login to watch on Microsoft Stream. The 15 video topics are listed below and you can watch all videos via our Emotional Intelligence channel on Microsoft Stream. Accompanying the videos is a development plan form (Opens in Word) which you can complete to plan how you'd like to develop the different topics in this series.

  1. Developing Self-Regard
  2. Developing Self-Actualisation
  3. Developing Emotional Self Awareness
  4. Developing Emotional Expression
  5. Developing Assertiveness
  6. Developing Independence
  7. Developing Interpersonal Relationships
  8. Developing Empathy
  9. Developing Social Responsibility
  10. Developing Problem Solving
  11. Developing Reality Testing
  12. Developing Impulse Control
  13. Developing Flexibility
  14. Developing Stress Management
  15. Developing Optimism