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Supporting people in distress

This session is part of the psychosocial resources for personal wellbeing and professional competence series and looks at supporting people in distress.


This workshop will help participants understand the range of possible reactions a person may have in times of distress. The content will be helpful when dealing with work colleagues, students, members of the public or people one manages. It will look at ways to support a person in distress, consider options for adequate support and care in the moment of distress and methods to consider managing distress in the mid- and longer-term afterwards for both individuals and teams. This course also considers the individual impact of supporting people in acute distress or over prolonged periods.

This session will be delivered face-to-face on campus

Intended outcomes and benefits from attending:

By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Understand the range of reactions of people in distress
  • Have a variety of alternative approaches in times of distress
  • Have considered how to manage individuals and teams in the short, mid and long term

Indicative content: what the session will cover:

  • Distress responses
  • How to manage our reactions to the distress of others
  • Finding alternative approaches to responding
  • Techniques for managing and supporting individuals and teams


Nicola Neath; University of Leeds Staff Counsellor – Nicola is also an MBACP Accredited Psychotherapist.

Booking your place:

View available upcoming dates and book your place


You can also view upcoming dates of all the Psychosocial Resource suite of workshops or register your interest if there are no available dates.

For more information about this session please email