Northern Power Inclusion Matters
The EPSRC funded Northern Power Inclusion Matters project is being run as a partnership across 9 HEI's and 6 Industry Partners to help shape an actively inclusive culture in the Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS) community that supports, drives and sustains greater equality for all, including traditionally under-represented groups, (e.g., women, people with a disability, LGBT+, and black, Asian and minority ethnic people). Especially addressing our ‘leaky pipeline’ (the loss of individuals from under-represented groups at the post-doctorate and early career stages).
LPP have played an active role in this to support both the mentoring aspect and the procurement and development of a website and learning platform. The impact of LPPs input to date has been 10 mentoring partnerships supporting under-represented individuals through shared characteristics mentoring, and the development of the learning platform currently supporting the development of 53 individual members of staff across the partner institutions.
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